
John Balvich Past District 6540 Governor and owner of WIBN, WLQI, and WRIN radio stations received a call from staff members that WIBN was down.  This news was not unusual because  power outages sometimes caused a disruption in broadcasting services.  However this time the station was really down because the tower was on the ground and had crashed through the transmission building due to farm equipment hitting a supporting guy wire.  Mr. Balvich noted the various problems the outage caused including the loss of listeners and advertisers.   The outage started on April 17th 2010 and continued until July 27.  John shared pictures and explained the connections needed to transmit a signal to the tower location from the studio and then on to the public airwaves.


Mr. Balvich answered questions regarding the how the music format is delivered and the process for broadcasting local news and sports events.  John is a member of the Rensselaer Rotary Club and served as District Governor from July 2008- July of 2009 and continues to be an active Rotary member.  He was the guest of Greg Hall.