
Jim Butler, Goodland Town Council President explained that Goodland now has two water towers on the ground in pieces, the one that collapsed and a new one.  Butler was the guest of Jim Schoen at the Monday noon luncheon meeting of the Kentland Rotary.    The Goodland tower fell around 11 pm and

water pressure was restored by 9:30 on Tuesday morning.  Mr. Butler was very appreciative of the support of the surrounding towns.  Donations of bottled water, equipment, fire support were some of the items he mentioned. Fortunately no one was injured in the collapse although one person was walking nearby and ran to escape the water.  He also impressed that Senator Lugar’s office contacted Goodland to offer assistance.


President Butler shared the technical process of restoring water pressure with no storage tank.  Water is stored in overhead tanks and the height of the tower and piping restrictions determines the pressure at the user’s faucet.  The tank was normally filled in the evening and was full when it collapsed.  Engineers and the insurance companies involved are still determining the cause but land has been purchased for the new tower and construction will begin soon.  Goodland recently received a $150,000.00 Emergency Community Water Assistance grant from the United States Department of Agriculture. 


In other Rotary news, Kentland Rotary President Elect Kirby Drey participated in President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) in Kalamazoo, Michigan March 15-17.   The three day session featured intense training for incoming presidents in areas of leadership, organization, future vision and motivation.  Keynote speakers included incoming International President Sakuji Tanaka, Japan, Past International President Rick King California, and Fred Sorrel Past District Governor from Windsor Ontario.  The conference included President Elects (PE) from Districts, D6290, D6310, D6360, D6380, D6400 and D6540, of Rotary International.  These districts represent parts of Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Ontario Canada.  PE’s are required to attend this training session and this year’s list of attendees included one incoming President from Sitka, Alaska! 


Breakout sessions allowed participants to receive training from experienced Rotarians and share questions and concerns they might have.  District 6540 sessions were lead by District Governor Elect Judith Walker and current Governor Mike Crabill.  Kirby was asked to submit goals for his year as Kentland Rotary President and was sworn in by Past International Rotary Director Fred Hahn during the closing session on Saturday morning. 

John Frischie Assistant District Governor Elect also attended the sessions.  John will work with the Demotte-Kankakee Valley, Rensselaer and Kentland Rotary Clubs during the coming year.