
Muscatatuck Urban Training Center

Rotarian Candace Armstrong (photo) presented the program to the Kentland Rotary Club at its regular noon luncheon meeting on Monday, June 11th.  She talked about her recent experiences at the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center.  Armstrong visited MUTC as part of the Indiana State Bar Association's Leadership Development Academy.  Twenty-five lawyers from across the State participated in the inaugural year of the Academy running from January through May at five separate venues covering a diverse range of topics.  


     MUTC,located near Butlerville, is a full-immersion contemporary urban training environment.  Located at the former Muscatatuck State Developmental Center, MUTC now provides a realistic training experience for civilian and military organizations.  Armstrong shared photos of her tour of a portion of MUTC, which includes 1,560 training structures. MUTC is also home to the military's only accredited high school, the National Guard's Patriot Academy.  More information on MUTC can be found at


     Major General R. Martin Umbarger shared information with the Academy on the Indiana National Guard.  Indiana has a proud history of service which continues today with personnel deployed abroad and also responding here in the United States.  Troops aid in the counter drug task force and with emergencies like hurricanes Katrina and Rita.


     Armstrong also shared her experience at a unique Afghan Cultural Dinner.  As part of this dinner, Armstrong was able to speak with Afghans serving as role players, national guard troops from Colorado and U.S. civilian foreign service officers.  Prior to dinner, guests were invited to learn a traditional Afghan dance.  The meal (which Armstrong reported was fabulous) was take seated cross-leg on the floor without silverware ---- eating with the right hand only.